3 Companies based in Normandy associate Competences to create ANTHEMIS PLATFORM
With this platform, the three players AREELIS Technologies, HEATSELF and Scienteama put their complementary skills and their common ambition at the service of New Space.
ANTHEMIS platform has resources for testing, design, production and characterization of innovative antennas. Mechanical and thermal engineering as well as environmental tests will provide an innovative solution in terms of costs, reliability and deadlines.
will offer Newspace players a range of actions ranging from pre-study to carrying out tests in space conditions, including design and proof of concept.
ANTHEMIS involved in the development of antennas, specific studies and systems for nano satellites
SCIENTEAMA > Design and characterization of antennas > https://www.scienteama.com
AREELIS > Technologies Characterization in a representative environment > https://www.areelis.fr
HEATSELF > Thermal management > https://www.heatself.com